'The amount of venom that can be delivered from a single bite can be gargantuan.' You know I've always liked that word gargantuan? I so rarely have an opportunity to use it in a sentence. However, a bite to the face or torso can bring death from paralysis within 20 minutes.' Now you should listen to this, 'cause this concerns you.
The venom of a black mamba can kill a human being in four hours if, say, bitten on the ankle or the thumb.
But only with the black mamba-and this has been true in africa since the dawn of time-is death sure.' Hence its handle-'death incarnate.'' Pretty cool, huh? 'Its neurotoxic venom is one of nature's most effective poisons, acting on the nervous system causing paralysis. Listen to this: (she reads from a small notebook) 'In Africa, the saying goes 'in the bush, an elephant can kill you, a leopard can kill you, and a black mamba can kill you. You know before I picked that little fella up, I looked him up on the internet. That was rude of me wasn't it? Budd, I'd like to introduce my friend, the black mamba.